What is Intercom Cable? How to Connect?

What is Intercom Cable? How to Connect?

What is Intercom Cable? How to Connect? Intercom is the name given to speech systems that are mostly used for the purpose of providing voice communication in apartments and workplaces. The working principle of the intercom, which is a walkie-talkie based on the push-to-talk principle, is realized through branch intercoms connected to the central intercom. Speak by pressing the button on the speech unit, and listen by releasing the button. Thus, a one-way communication between users is ensured. Intercom models that close automatically after the end of the conversation can be used in workplaces, taxi stands, apartments and many different areas. It may be preferable to use intercoms with different features according to the usage needs. The basic function of intercoms used in apartments is to call both the apartment staff and other apartments. Intercom models, which have much more advanced features, may have additional features such as controlling the door automatic, activating the fire alarm and video calling.

It has the same function as the intercom intercom system, but in a more functional structure. The features and models of intercoms may vary according to the purpose of use and need. Although intercom types are mostly used for the purpose of providing security in workplaces and apartments, intercoms with functional and modular structure are considered suitable for both individual and multi-user uses.

Due to the video intercom systems, users get the opportunity of video and instant communication. In this way, people who are not known or thought to be suspicious can easily be prevented from entering the building. If a connection is made to security cameras, areas such as playgrounds or parking lots can be viewed via the Intercom. Intercoms can also be used to make audio and video calls between apartments. Burglar and fire alarms can also be managed via the intercom. Intercom systems can also work in harmony with burglar alarm systems and security camera systems. Remote management of intercom systems, which are compatible with smart home automation systems, is also a great advantage.

Questions About the Intercom Cable

Intercom cable, in other words, DT8 can be used in apartments, building systems, as well as providing protection against interference coming from outside the system in video intercoms and other audio and video systems. Intercom cables are often preferred because they are twisted, that is, a few small cables are bent around an axis and extended. Having sheaths wrapped around the cables plays an important role in providing protection against external environments. DT8 cables, which have very suitable features for short distance transmission tasks, are also frequently used in information devices due to their functions in data transmission.

Although DT8 Intercom cables form the basic infrastructure of video and non-video Intercom systems, it is widely believed that infrastructure is one of the most important elements that ensure the efficient operation of Intercom systems. Intercom cables are used in both audio and video systems, and they are not affected by interference, thanks to their features.

Intercom cable types are also used in information equipment and can be preferred in internal communication systems, intercom systems and internal sound systems in installations inside the building.

There are many different types of intercom systems, and video intercoms are considered highly functional devices as they enable communication with the building entrance and inside the building without the need for any physical interaction with the visitors. When video intercoms are integrated with home automation systems, they increase home security and provide convenience at many points. Video intercoms are mostly integrated with access control systems and users are provided access by giving authorization to fingerprint sensors and cards via pin numbers. Intercoms can be operated by integrating with many different systems, including home automation systems, alarm systems and control systems.

Intercom is a Functional Device

Intercoms consist of two main components, the doorbell panel and the intercom branch. The bell panel placed at the entrance of the building transmits the voices or images of the incoming people to the intercom branch. Intercom branches also deliver incoming sounds or images to the hosts via the loudspeaker or screen on them.

Video intercom systems can be operated by arranging the connections in cases where the existing intercom system has a full copper DT8, CAT6 or 4+1 CCTV cable, but by connecting to the monitors in the apartment without the need to change the cables. If the wiring is not copper and the iron mix conduction is low, cable changes are made first. Then the indoor monitors are connected. It is not possible for any intercom brand to be operated on the same system as another brand. The reason for this is that the cable and energy differences used in the system do not allow this.

Intercom types can be used for communication of all systems in buildings and all parts of these systems. Since DT8 cables are cheap, durable and practical products, they are used in almost all alarm systems, video and audio systems such as intercoms. The use of DT8 cables in almost all informatics or communication networks can be considered as a great advantage. DT8 cable types can successfully continue the same transmission task for different devices on the same line, due to their working principles and durability.


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